Haigazian University (Lebanon)

Haigazian University was established in Beirut, Lebanon in 1955 by the joint endeavors of the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) and the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East (UAECNE). Haigazian University is a liberal arts institution, which operates on the American model of higher education using English as the language of instruction. Its purpose is to provide quality education in a Christian environment where academic freedom and the search and dissemination of truth are predominant. It seeks to prepare students both for leadership positions and as professionals to serve in the Armenian and non-Armenian Lebanese communities. Haigazian is home campus to students from 20 countries throughout the world. It offers B.A., B.B.A., B.S., M.A., and M.B.A. degrees as well as a teacher’s Normal Diploma to almost 1000 students.

Students 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Number of International Students 83 91 97 98 117 103


International Student Expenses


Housing cost $2625 (single room)
Health Insurance $115
Administrative fee Tuition: $4,500

Miscellaneous Fees: $284


Permit to stay fee $300
Visa application fee $35