Writing Support


Stressed about your next writing assignment? Need a second pair of eyes on your writing? 

We are glad you are here!

Come meet one of our professional staff and work-study students who will help you think critically about your writing so that you can plan, write, and revise more effectively. 

Writing Center one-on-one sessions


We are attentive readers who serve as a second pair of eyes to make sure you communicate your ideas clearly and concisely.


During your one-on-one sessions, our consultants will have an in-depth discussion about your work and help you meet not only your short-term goals (having an improved paper), but will also attend to your long-term objective of becoming an analytical thinker, confident writer and effective communicator



What the Writing Consultants Can Help You With

  • Any writing assignment, including essays, reflection papers, research papers, opinion papers, etc.
  • Brainstorming and choosing a topic
  • Formulating a thesis statement
  • Drafting and revising
  • Grammar, punctuation, and word choice
  • Organization of a paper
  • Clarity, cohesion, and coherence
  • Integrating source information
  • Citing sources, plagiarism, and APA Style

What the Consultants Cannot Do

  • Write for you
  • Act in place of your instructor
  • Proofread and edit for you
  • Provide ready answers
  • Serve as writing experts
  • Guarantee error-free writing or a perfect paper
  • Promise high grades
  • Perform miracles

Why use the service regularly?

Think of it like going to the gym. If you go once, you get some quick results: a one-day workout that keeps your body energized for one or two days. If you want to witness long-term results, you need frequent visits and professional guidance from a coach. 

The Math and Writing Center is a space designed to help you exercise your mind. Attending one session will help you achieve only short-term goals. Visit the Center regularly, and you will start improving your skills that will help you become a more effective writer, a more insightful thinker, and a more persuasive communicator.  

How to make the most of your consultation sessions

  • Don’t wait until the last minute. Plan to visit the Center well in advance of your deadlines
  • When booking an appointment, be specific. Help our consultants serve you in the most effective way.

When you come to a session, bring with you:

  • Assignment instructions
  • A printed or electronic copy of your work at any stage in the writing process
  • Questions about the assignment or writing in general
  • Your notes, outlines, sources, and related readings
  • Your smile!

Ready to build confidence in writing?

Check out if we have a resource that can help you with your writing-related questions